Friday, August 25, 2006

New York: So Good they Faced it Twice

New York,it's the name of a city that conjures thoughts of all that is big, brash and beautiful in the world.

You've heard the old Sinartra number "New York, New York, So good they named it twice". Well it seems to me that there is an awful lot of double doing in New York today. Perhaps I shouldn't restrict this comment to New York. The world over women are growing tired of the faces they were born with. Sometimes they want to look prettier and sometimes they want to look younger. A lot of women in their sixties these days are having nips and tucks in many different parts of their bodies.

Just as there's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil, so there is an awful lot of Cosmetic Surgery in New York City. Everyone wants another face. Sinartra didn't know how that song affected things in the Big Apple. New York, New York, so good they faced it twice.

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