Saturday, August 12, 2006

California Here I Come

On rainy days like today I wonder if you, like me, can think of nothing better than a place in the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Britain but there are times when the weather leaves a lot to be desired.

Now I know that it is pointless complaining about the weather, it's not as if I have any control over it. The weather just is. But when it's raining and I look out of the window and see the garden that we have worked hard to create I can't help thinking that what I'd really like to be doing is sitting outside on the lawn.
If the sun was shining, then believe me that is where I'd be. There or on a beach somewhere.

Now that really has got me dreaming I'd just love to be in a hot and sunny climate. So sometimes, just to appease this desire a little, I look around at other places. So the other day I happened on some information about California and happened to note that there were San Diego Homes for Sale. Think of it, living where the rich and famous have their watering holes. A brand new condo would suit me down to the ground. Makes me think of the old Al Jolson song "California Here I Come.

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