Thursday, October 19, 2006

Make or Break

Next month is definitely going to be a make it or break it one. Why you might ask? Well in a moment of madness I decided to take the bull by the horns and sign up for Nanowrimo - for those of you who don't know it's a novel writing contest. You pledge to write 50,000 words in thirty days, starting at midnight on November 1st and finishing at midnight on November 30th. Definitely make or break.

The problem with nanowrimo is that if I break it, it can't be remade. Even if I decide to do it next year I couldn't use the same material. There are some things that when broken they can be remade out of the original stuff. Noses for instance. If you break your nose you wouldn't expect someone to cut it off and start again would you? No of course you wouldn't. You'd go and pay a visit to a Los Angeles Rhinoplasty specialist and get it fixed. These guys know what they are about they can make your nose look as though nothing had ever happened to it-unlike a novel that didn't make the grade.

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