Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Get Paid For Your Articles

If you are new to paid writing then you may be finding it difficult to find clients to write for. There are still a number of avenues open to you and these often lead to other work.

Get yourself more than one blog and blog on a regular basis - at least three times a week for the following reasons:

1. You may earn money from Google if you work hard on your blog

2. There are paid blogging opportunities such as Blogitive, Blogsvertise and Pay per Post.

3. It is a place where you can direct prospective clients to see your work

4. Submit articles to places like Triond and Ezine this gives you publishing credits and gets more traffic to your blog.

5. Submit articles here and it is possible to earn as much as forty dollars for one article.

6. Write good content so that people will read your blog and comment

You should also write for Helium and Review Stream. You have to do quite a bit of writing before you hit the payout level but it is well worth trying. Happy writing.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Writing Every Day

Whatever kind of writer you are if you want to succeed in your chosen field then you should get into the habit of writing every day. Once you have settled into a routine with your writing it will be much easier for you to set writing goals to achieve whatever you have in mind.

Daily Word Count

If you need to write articles for your blog or website then you should start by writing at least one every day. Published authors write on a daily basis and generally they set themselves a certain number of words to accomplish in that day. Freelance writers work on the same basis, whatever project you are working on should have scheduled time every day - that makes it easier to keep track of your work, particularly if like most freelancers, you write for more than one client. Plan to write a certain number of words for each project every day, that way you are less likely to miss a deadline.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

SEO and Blogging

SEO or search engine optimization is an important tool for bloggers who want an audience for their blogging. This means that bloggers need to be aware of the type of keywords or tags that they use in a post if they want more traffic. The type of keywords that are important to blogging are easily discovered with a Google keyword search. All of the search engines take note of how bloggers and other writers use keywords and where those keywords are placed. Try it and see for yourself.

Keep On Trucking

If you drive a truck for a living then you need to be fully aware of road safety. A driver's cab can be especially prone to some of the dangers of the road. If you want to relieve yourself of this worry then you need to look at some of the safety tips available on the internet and at major truck dealers.

One of the most effective safety devices on the truck market today is the backrackIt is not always possible to be aware of everything that is happening on the road when you are driving a truck, safety features such as emergency and warning lights can help to dramatically alleviate some of these unseen dangers. Your cab and any load that your truck may be carrying are much better protected when you have a decent backrack.

Friday, October 26, 2007

When Your Writing Sucks

We all have days when the words on the page don't look right, when we overload an article with keywords, or when our grammar and spelling go for a walk. That's when you know your writing sucks.

How do you cope when you realise your writing sucks? Well you take a break and you think of something other than writing; you read a book with your writer's eye closed so that it is just for pleasure and you slow down and relax.

I find that my writing sucks when my head wanders anywhere other than what I am trying to write and I have learned that the only thing to do it to take a break. This is the only way I've found of getting some freshness back into my writing.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Writing Days

Writing days should be every day if you are a freelance writer or a creative writer hoping to get published. All too often things get in the way of our writing days and we end up producing very little. If we have a deadline to meet then this can often mean that we are sat up most of the night trying to get the work finished and keep our clients satisfied. If you are a writer what do you do to keep your writing days off limits to other people's problems (especially if they could sort them out by themselves)?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Don't Knock The Clock

When you write for a living you often find that you are chasing your tail trying to get finished before the deadline. Sometimes it is because a writer has unavoidable problems; more often they have either put things off til the last minute, or thought that they had all the time in the world to write and researhc the articles.

We all have to wake up and smell the coffee if we are going to be professional in our attitude towards freelance writing. One way I have found of cutting the time spent on a single article and having a bit of fun in the process is to take a race against the clock and see how fast I can get the first draft done. Sometimes I use a kitchen timer and sometimes I use the progress bar on Google. You specify a period of time and then start writing, I often find that the first draft is ok with a few minor modifications. Don't knock the clock when you are writing; give it a try.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Get a Quote

Bloggers help fuel their blogging by getting a quote from the news or from another writer; it helps to make connections and keep the content flowing. Clever bloggers know the advantages of weighing up the value of different quotes to whatever they are writing.

Many bloggers are also drivers but because a lot of their time is spent in front of a computer then one way of getting good cover for their car is to look for insurance quotes online. You read a lot about rich bloggers but most of us are just about breaking even and whatever type of vehicle you own you'll probably spend some time looking around for better car insurance rates.

If, like me, you're a blogger who has to watch your budget then it's great to find that there are companies out there who can source you the best type of auto insurance plans. Which just goes to show that getting a quote is as important for insurance purposes as it is for blogging.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blogging Breaks

It's not every day that bloggers get offered a break; but it does happen, there are people out there who recognize the value of blogging. Not only do they recognise the value of your blog but they are willing to put some cash behind that value. All you have to do, is what you do best, blog about something that interests you include a link to them. This lets them know what you are posting and if they like your style then you get paid. So why not try out blogvertise and see just what they have to offer bloggers.

Women Writers' Alter Egos

I have been considering women writers'alter egos. It is often said of male writers that their primary characters are drawn from their own subconscious and probably contain elements of what that person would like to be had they the choice.

Alter egos are rarely mentioned when it comes to women writers but I am sure that the same process occurs. In the novel that I am still trying to finish and the new one I intend to embark on the primary character is a freelance researcher, which is part of what I do; she is also a reluctant private detective. I don't think I would be quite so reluctant were I single and twenty years younger, because being a private eye has always appealed to me. Well we all have our foibles.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Freelance Writing Deadlines

Freelance Writing

If you are going to make a living as a freelance writer then you should keep to your freelance writing deadlines. Freelance writing can be a great way of making a living. For those who do it every day most of them will tell you that it is great to be able to do a job that you love. One of the problems for many writers is that there is a tendency to procrastinate in all of us. One of the things you will either love or hate about professional freelance writing is sticking to a deadline,


I find that having a deadline for my work can be a great motivator. It is, for example, great to see several articles that you have completed, it's even better to know tha you are going to get paid for them. But more to the point a deadline means that the work must be done. If you want more work and you don't want to disappoint the client who gives you that work then it's best to incorporate the idea of freelance writing deadlines into your writing life.

Writing Articles

Write For Free

Writing articles without any pay may not be what you had in mind for your freelance writing career but it is a good way of getting your name and your work on the internet. Many writers will tell you that writing articles for free where you can add a link back to your own site has often got them started on the career ladder.


Articles are the mainstay of many websites. There are some sites out there for example Helium and Triond. Where you can write articls and submit them and eventually you will get paid some royalties - in the meantime you are getting a lot of publicity for your writing as these sites are quite well ranked in Google. Many full time freelancers still write for these sites when they have some time to spare between assignments.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Work and Writing


Work, especially freelance work can expand to fill the time available, largely because we spend time procrastinating or reading the latest Harrry Potter review. If you are going to make it as a freelance writer then you need to limit your surfing and procrastinating time and get on with the work.

Writing seems to be one of the worst professions when it comes to attracting procrastinators - we like to call it writer's block. Whatever tricks you use that stop you from getting on with the writing need to be isolated. If you have to sharpen your pencils every day then do it but once it's done start writing. If you have to surf everyday limit it to those times when you have earned a break i.e. when you have written at least three of those articles on your list.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Writing, Computers and Deadlines

Any writing that I do today is by way of catching up with things after my computer went down. Working writers, like other writers have to cope with any number of things in their writing life and still try to meet deadlines. I make deadlines a priority but when a bug strikes your computer then you could spend the few days after the bug is fixed ghosting to meet your deadlines.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Write for Life

When you're a writer it is a lifetime project. You may have days, weeks or even months when you wonder why you do it and what would happen if you stopped altogether. The problem is that for most writers writing is in their blood. It gurgles and bubbles away inside you until you have to put words on the page.

Writers like to keep company with all kinds of people but especially they like the company of other writers. Only someone possessed of the same drive to express themselves in words can really understand what makes a writer tick. The writer's dream is to live by their writing and so many of us end up working as freelancers. However, many of us also write fiction and get involved in daft endeavors such as nanowrimo where you try to write a novel in a month. For a writer that is part of the process of their writing life.

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