Egyptologists and archeologists have found plenty of evidence of the ways in which life was conducted in the ancient world. Probably the most famous of these was Howard Carter and his discovery of Tuten Kamen. When that tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings the amount of gold that was found was almost unimaginable.
So much gold was found in the tombs of the ancients that the Cairo Museum actually has a gold room where all the artefacts are made from gold. In today's world gold and silver still have enormous value. Through companies like MDC you can purchase gold and other precious metals.These will be delivered to you personally or you can arrange safe storage at a bank or depository. What the ancients knew, and what is still the case, is that buying gold is one of the best ways to preserve one's wealth and purchasing power. In the ancient world, and in the present, people have always been fascinated by gold and the power that it has to change lives. Egyptian treasure was much the same as today's treasure, the beauty of a gold bar. For over thirty years the Monex companies have been a leader in the field of American gold and precious metals investment. Gold bullion is a unique investment, from the times of Ancient Egypt to modern day America.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Egyptian Treasure
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:39 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
Business Must be Booming
I could be wrong but it seems to me that businesses who can afford to outsource almost all their publicity, their business plans and their technical needs, must be booming. Leaving aside the cost involved if someone is doing all that for you what are you going to be doing? Although some businesses work well by outsourcing almost everything.
We've got used to some forms of outsourcing. There's probably not a medium sized business around that doesn't use office temps at some time or another. Well now you can outsource a lot of your work over the internet. Internet Marketing San Diego will set you up a website, provide after sales services and even help manage other aspects of your business. They certainly seem to know what they are talking about so if you are looking for a decent website you know where to go.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
8:16 PM
Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?
I've been doing my usual late Friday evening thing and surfing the net. Not really looking for anything in particular, just hoping that I might come across something of interest. Then I happened on the George Lindemann Sr. Bio. For those of you who don't know he was one of the biggest names in contact lenses-then he went in for cell phones.
Married with three children George Lindemann certainly seems to have the Midas touch. After becoming a millionaire many times over he has now decided to turn his attention to gas, and yes you've got it he is now officially a billionaire. Don't some people have all the luck?
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Sue Jeffels Writing
8:06 PM
Get a Professional
Whenever you are faced with some major jobs in the home then it usually makes sense to at least get some advice from a professional. Most professionals will not charge too much for an initial consultation and some may give you a little advice and an estimate for free. In the same way it makes sense to consult a professional if you are thinking of buying a house, particularly if you are a first time buyer.
There are so many issues to consider when you are buying a home. People do do it without consulting a profesional but sometimes there can be problems - if there are it is much better to have a professional like the guys at Del Mar real estate who can advise you on the best way forward. Most real estate professionals are well worth the commission that you pay them; and a good one may be able to save you a lot of money.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
7:49 PM
Buying and Selling
There is plenty of advice nowadays for people buying or selling their houses. Mostly people sell for two main reasons, either the family have left home and they want to downsize, or the family is expanding and they need a bigger home. Sometimes of course people just want to take a step up the property ladder.
So you've read the advice. You've given your house kerb appeal and you've painted the living room and the bedrooms. The house is clutter free and everything in the garden is rosy. Although you've looked around there really isn't anything that quite meets the standard you want at a price that you can afford. If that is the case then you might consider a trip to San Diego. Real estate agents there have some excellent properties and you might find that La Jolla Homes is just what you are looking for. Then all you need to do is find a buyer willing to pay the right price for your current property.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
7:36 PM
The Price is Right
Everybody loves a bargain and now more people can indulge their passion for getting something they want at a bargain price. It used to be that people would visit discount shops. The market was always a good place to bag a bargain - although sometimes you could find that by the time you got it home it was broken, not such a bargain then. For a while garage, yard and car boot sales made their mark. Now the real die hard bargain hunters buy and sell their stuff on Ebay.
Buying and selling on ebay is becoming widespread and this is even more noticable now that there are websites offering tips for getting the best out of ebay; and for safe internet shopping. There are now people who approach buying and selling on ebay as though it were a business. There are other people out there who will help them by providing free auction templates. No doubt ebay fever will continue so long as the price is right.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
7:25 PM
Putting You in the Picture
Putting you in the picture can mean a number of things - painting your portrait, taking your photograph, or simply giving you some information. I thought you might want to know a little about art. Portraits are an art form, as are some photographs nowadays. People will now take household objects, dress them up a little, call them art and win huge prizes. It never ceases to amaze me.
The same people who laud such sculptures often see the tattoo as an inferior art form. Ok, not everyone likes to see tattoos on a man, and even less like to see them on women. It is however, becoming more fashionable for women to have tattoos. There are so many designs to choose from when you visit a tattoo parlour. Most tattooist will have pictures of tattoos on the walls and in books - so if you want a tattoo but you are not sure of what, these will give you some idea. It's simply another art form.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
7:12 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
If You Don't Want to Wear an Irish
I know you can't put an Irish man on to go out in the morning. But if you had been born a cockney then there is a liklihood that you might have a use for an Irish jig. Well, you still can't wear that I hear you say. But you'd be wrong there, because Irish jig (Irish for short) is cockney rhyming slang for wig. So if you were acting on the stage or you were unfortunate enough to lose your hair then an Irish might come in very handy.
There are people however, who might be averse to wearing a wig, or an Irish. We all know the old jokes about middle aged men and their toupees, but in recent years there has been some concentration on female hair loss which is sometimes a result of stress. The increasing use of chemotherapy to treat cancer however, is also a reason why more women are losing their hair. All joking aside, with something like this, if a woman's hair does not grow back easily then such restoration is a great idea.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
8:23 PM
Get Your Revision Done
There is only one way to get on in the education mill - do your revision. It's worth it in the long run. If you do a little each night you'll soon have it cracked. Speaking of cracks some cracks to the nose can be really nasty. I've known cases where someone has banged their nose so hard that it is permanently out of shape. Now I suppose most men don't bother, I've got a wonky nose, so what. I'm still a handsome devil and the nose gives my looks a nice kind of twist.
Not everyone is so philosophical about their nose, they may have bumped it rather hard, or they may just not like the nose that they were born with. Less than a hundred years ago of course they'd probably have had to put up with it-short of wearing a false one. Nowadays life is a lot easier. Those people who are not happy with what is in the middle of their face can go and get themselves one of those fancy Los Angeles nose jobs.. So if you've got some dollars to spare and would like your nose remodeled then get yourself off to the City of the Angels-you never know, might pick up some wings while you're there.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
8:06 PM
Make or Break
Next month is definitely going to be a make it or break it one. Why you might ask? Well in a moment of madness I decided to take the bull by the horns and sign up for Nanowrimo - for those of you who don't know it's a novel writing contest. You pledge to write 50,000 words in thirty days, starting at midnight on November 1st and finishing at midnight on November 30th. Definitely make or break.
The problem with nanowrimo is that if I break it, it can't be remade. Even if I decide to do it next year I couldn't use the same material. There are some things that when broken they can be remade out of the original stuff. Noses for instance. If you break your nose you wouldn't expect someone to cut it off and start again would you? No of course you wouldn't. You'd go and pay a visit to a Los Angeles Rhinoplasty specialist and get it fixed. These guys know what they are about they can make your nose look as though nothing had ever happened to it-unlike a novel that didn't make the grade.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
7:48 PM
Ironing Out the Creases
I am not a person who is fond of ironing. In fact it is one of my pet hates give me a pile of creased shirts and I want to run a mile. However, I know that my husband and son have to get to work and they have to look the part; so I spend some time ironing out the creases. The same goes for my own work clothes.
I suppose the real problem arises when you want to iron out creases that are not so cheap and easy to get rid of. I'm not talking about clothes now but about faces, mostly faces anyway. Plastic surgeons seem to spend their time ironing out creases, figuratively speaking. What they really do is cut and pull and stitch. A lot more time consuming than standing at an ironing board. However, if you've looked into the mirror recently and feel that your face resembles a shirt that's been too long in the dryer, don't despair if you are in Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery is as easy as one two three. Almost as easy in fact as ironing out the creases in a shirt-well perhaps not quite that easy.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
6:17 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Big Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Everybody needs a boost. This goes as much for the natural world as it does for the business world. In order to grow into a big oak the tree has to have the correct system in place, a little acorn.
In the same way business need to have the right systems in place in order for their profits to grow. The profits from your organisation are big, but they could do with being bigger. Whether you are a multi-national corportation, a medium sized business, or a government organisation you need to be able to show a profit.
Acorn profit management systems work together with your existing systems and enables companies to achieve their performance management objectives. Acorn will provide accurate dynamic cost management and profits analysis. You can increase your profitability with correct IT value management software. Acorn systems have solutions that will suit your individual needs thus ensuring that from acorns big oaks may grow.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
2:27 PM