It seems to be in the nature of human beings to want to keep up and increase our stock in every area of our lives. We have stock in relationships, in work and often in our homes and invest a lot of who we are in these things.
Keeping up your stock is an important concept, particularly in today's climate. We feel a need to see an increase in value in every area of our lives. We are constantly bombarded with media messages about saving our money and seeing the interest mount up. But are Government Bonds or simple saving accounts really the way to keep up our financial stock? We always have options when it comes to increasing the value of things that matter to us. When it comes to our money it certainly helps if we have some idea of the stock options that are open to us.
If we want to increase our financial profits then a good way of doing this is by purchasing shares in companies that pay high dividends. Some never pay dividends, but use investors money for research, or to buy further assetts. One of the best way of discovering how to increase your stock is to take a look at PowerOptions, they'll give you the info you need to deal with your money wisely.
With the financial side of things dealt with, all you need to do is to look at the other areas of your life and find out how to preserve your investments in those areas.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Keeping Up Your Stock
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
3:40 AM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
DNA Testing
In Britain at the moment the subject of DNA has received a lot of media attention. DNA is regarded as irrefutable evidence that a person was at the scene of a crime. With rape and other violent crimes on the increase Government and media debates have centered around the idea of DNA testing at birth.
Human rights groups, obviously, are up in arms. What will the authorities think of next. In a television poll this morning many people in England thought that DNA testing at birth was a good idea. Even though the majority of the British public may appear to be in agreement with this idea, have they really thought it through? What would happen, for example, if someone was trying to evade detection and placed somebody else's DNA at the scene? That would be regarded as irrefutable proof that you were there. Even eye witnesses who testified to the fact that you were somewhere else would have less credibility than the fact that your DNA was at the scene.
What do you think? Should the state have the powers to take DNA samples at birth? Or is this a fundamental abuse of our human rights?
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Sue Jeffels Writing
2:52 AM
All That Glitters
When you walk into a bank and see piles of dollars neatly packaged, just waiting for you to sign and take them home it probably makes you feel rich. You've had a big check because you've won some money in a competition. Now you want to take it home and spend it. But is it really worth as much as you think it is? Those crisp new dollars might make your eyes sparkle but they don't glitter like the real thing, like gold or silver.
The price of everything has skyrocketed but is it really because commodities have risen in price, or is it because the dollar has sunk in value? Because your paper money has been devalued it takes more and more to buy less. Have you thought about investing your money in the real glittery stuff? If you have then you might decide to buy gold bars. Today's political and economic climate is uncertain which is why more investors are putting their money into tangible assets such as silver and gold bars. So if your dollar has lost its shine then consider buying something that really glitters, consider gold.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
2:38 AM
Home Sweet Home
Most people would agree with the sentiment that home is the best place to be. Home sweet home is an old fashioned but still common saying. When you've had a hard day at work, or you're feeling tired or sad, then many of our thoughts turn towards home.
Even when you've had a really good holiday, by the time you've travelled and walked through the door, most people's reaction is , aah, home. Home means different things to different people and there are all kinds of homes. From bedsits to mansions, these places are home to someone.
Nowadays many more people are either buying their own home, or own it outright. It is something to leave the children and it provides a person with solid assets. If they run into trouble with money or credit cards then they can always raise some finance. Increasingly people have multiple debts and there are more companies out there offering debt consolidation.
Debt consolidation means lumping all your debts together so that you have a single monthly payment that is often lower than what you were paying previously. This may involve taking out a second mortgage or a home equity loan. However, you really do need to do your homework, shop around and know what you are doing. If you can't make your payments on time then your home could be forfeit, you could also find, in the long run, thay you're paying back more. So before you get involved in debt consolidation make sure you know what you can afford or your sweet home could be lost to someone else.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
2:08 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunny Summer Days
Britain is in the grip of a heatwave. We're really not used to more than a couple of consecutive days of heat and sunshine. It's often cold and rainy so we're not big on air conditioning over here. So what do you do when the weather takes over?
On cold and rainy days you can go for a drive. With the windows closed and the heating on a car is quite a cosy place to be. On hot, sunny weekends, when you've had enough of the garden and yearn for places new you can take off in your car. With the windows open and the sunroof back it's a cool place to be. You're at peace with the world and ready for anything especially someone who offers you a cheap car insurance quote. You're in a good mood and ready to listen, particularly when it's a well known name like Norwich Union.
Think about it, a short-term car insurance that covers all your needs, comprehensive car insurance for 28 days, even if the car you are driving is not your own. I say bring on the hot summer days and cheap car insurance.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
3:08 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Pickup Trucks
When it comes to moving your goods from where they are stored to your place of business, you want the most efficient way of getting your belongings safely from a to b. You don't expect to have to move your stuff on a wheelbarrow or in the family car (could be a real problem). What about a pickup truck.
More and more people are using pickup trucks to transport their belongings. Their only drawback is that if it rains your goods will get wet. You want to prevent this but are not quite sure what to use. What you need is a truck tonneau cover.
You can buy all kinds of accessories for your truck on line. You just need to state what you need along with your vehicle make, year and model and the suppliers will do the rest. Giving you a choice only of the accessories that are suitable for your vehicle. They will then ship them to you, it is that easy. Your new tonneau cover is just a click away.
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Sue Jeffels Writing
6:57 PM
Women and Youth
We all want to remain young. Youth is something that many women want to recapture. This is particularly the case for women who may have stayed at home with their children and given up any claim to a career.
Women, far more than men, spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance. You only have to look at the huge number of women's magazines on any newstand. The content of these magazines more often than not revolves around the cult of celebrity, and the preferred celebrities are youthful and attractive.
Women's magazines follow through on this attraction to youth with various articles and features on how women can look and feel younger. In recent months there has been an increased interest in cosmetic surgery and this is catered for in women's magazines.
Women not only want to look their best they want to reclaim their youth by losing the sags and wrinkles of increasing age. Occasionally this surgery does not turn out as expected and women will go somewhere else to have it improved.
Take a nose job, for example. Suppose a woman doesn't just want to lose her wrinkles, she wants to change the shape of her face. So she has her nose remodelled but is not happy with the result. Then she may want it redone. This fad for changing one's looks varies from one area to another. There is a high demand for cosmetic surgery in Beverly Hills. Women in Beverly Hills who may not be happy with previous surgery may decide to opt
for what is known as rhinoplasty, for revisional surgery.
Dr Paul S. Nassif is a specialist in revisional rhinoplasty. Patients can take advantage of his use of cutting edge techniques to alleviate the misery of faulty surgery. Now, more than ever women's search for eternal youth and beauty are grabbing the headlines.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
6:01 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
A Woman's Friends
The post on
gratitude got me thinking about how much we need friends. Here's my list:
My husband because he loves me even when I'm sat in my pyjamas having the grumps with the computer because I can't think straight.
My 25 year old son who makes a point of telling me he loves me when I'm sad or mad.
My daughters who tell me what not to wear and never comment on the size of my rear.
My dog who won't come for a stroke when I'm going out of the door and jumps all over me when I come back in.
Books, my laptop (when things are going well) and a glass of wine.
Friends are there through the good times and make the bad times easier to pass through.
This is not the wine talking, yet.
These are the type of friends that you don't want to be parted from. They are just the friends you'd want to take along with you on a trip to your new Orlando Rental Home. Become part of a thriving Florida community with seven major theme parks, something which helps to make it the number one tourist destination in the world. There is something for everyone at Orlando.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:32 AM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
Diamond's are great, and make no mistake they are a girl's best friend. There is nothing a woman appreciates more than the shimmer and sparkle of the real thing. If it's her birthday, if it's an anniversary, or if you just want to show your appreciation that she's there then try diamonds. You don't even have to leave the house to do it. Diamond jewelery is 30-40% cheaper on the internet. Girls love diamond rings, earrings and brooches and you'll find them all at her something that she'll love, give her a girl's best friend.
Blog post sponsored by Make Money Blogging
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Sue Jeffels Writing
3:46 PM
Blogging Blues
Yesterday and most of today I have had the low-down, beat-up, blacked out, blogging blues. I have discovered that writing and blogging are not quite the same. There are all kinds of things that as a writer you never need worry about. When it comes to blogging however that is not the case. Blogging involves keeping up your information levels by surfing the net. It means that people start worrying about how many hits they get on their blogs, but the daddy at the root of blogging blues for me had been html and clickable links.
I finally cracked the clickable links aspect today,
see it gives some insight as to the reason for the blogging blues. So...if you've only just started in the blogosphere and are having trouble with technical aspects, you can learn it. Don't let those low-down, beat-up, blacked out, blogging blues get you down
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
3:38 AM
Monday, July 03, 2006
Football the Beautiful Game? And How About Olymic Swimming?
Football is often referred to as the beautiful game in Britain. When the England team lost yesterday, and had to return home, there were miserable faces across the country. Football is now a multi-million pound industry, with a huge body of fans, yet for all that some of the spirit that used to be associated with football seems to have been lost. The behaviour on the field of certain players certainly causes one to wonder what happened to the beautiful game. Check out this
It's not always the fans or the competitors that are the problem, sometimes it's the organisers of a game or other sport, olympic swimming for instance. Take the case of world class paralympic swimmer Nancy Burpee. She set world records in trials held at Minneapolis,Minnesota but was disqualified by an Australian referree on a procedural technicality in her attempt to participate in the 2004 paralympic games held in Athens, Greece. So she contacted Kevin Simmons a partner at Simons Janace & Staggto act for her against the United States Olympic committee. The firm took the case pro-bono and although Ms Burpee failed in her action she continues her swimming career.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:44 AM