Sunday, January 20, 2008

Horses For Courses

Online Education

You may not believe it but the state of education is changing; particularly with the rise of the internet. There are even fully accredited online universities now; although you do need to make sure that the one you are looking at is genuine. Capella University is a genuine, accredited online university offering all kinds of degree programs as well as their Online Masters Degree Programs.

If you already have a first degree but you want a higher qualification then an online master's course with someone like Capella may be just what you are looking for. Capella is a rapidly growing business with more than 20,000 students across the world. Still not sure? Then why not send for details before you make up your mind.

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What is Education?

Getting Educated

Most people,when they think about getting educated, tend to think of school or going to university but there are many different ways of getting educated - not least of these is the school of life. Whether we like it or not; want it or not; life will give us an education. It may not be the ususal reading, writing and arithmetic, but it will certainly be an education. What does education mean to you?

Blogging Buddies


When you first start blogging it really is just you and the computer screen. As time goes by and you read other people's blogs and comment on them then they will start to read yours. That is when blogging gets to be fun because you can exchange tips and comments with each other and recognize each other at other places on the internet.


Once you have been blogging for a time, had your work read and read the work of others that is when you begin to realise that you have made some blogging buddies. These are people who will return to your blog as you return to theirs. Sometimes you will talk about things other than blogging and really get to know people online. This happened to me when I first started blogging at the now defunct writingup. I met a lot of good people on there, people that I came to see as my blogging buddies. The list included Dana, Inklings, Sharon and Gracepub. So if you are new to blogging then don't give up because it sometimes seems lonely. Keep on blogging and you will soon have a bunch of blogging buddies.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Don't Put That Money in Your Purse Mrs Worthington

Many of us have coin purses that we keep separate from our pocket books or wallets and we're used to seeing good old dollars and cents; or pounds and pence depending on which side of the pond you are. What you wouldn't want to put in that purse is a rare coin as it's probably worth more than a couple of dollars and cents - which is why you shouldn't put it in your purse Mrs Worthington. If an expert such as someone at Monaco Rare Coin can tell you that it's worth thousands of dollars then you could be on your way to a whole new future in rare coin investment.

First of all you want a company who can give you the best price for the coins you may want to sell, and offer you the best value in further coin investment. It takes a dealer with expertise along with a great deal of resources and experience to get you the best price on something as rare asmorgan dollars. So if you want the best recommendations, market information and service; don't put that coin away, take it to the best dealers on the net.

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They Think It's All Over - It Is Now

Christmas and New Year are funny times; you spend weeks buying presents and deciding how much extra food you are going to need and who will fall out with whom on Boxing day and suddenly it is the 27th December and you and they think it's all over.

For a couple of days after the main event things ease off into an almost normal kind of routine and then it is New Year's Eve and recuperation on New Year's day. After this it takes you a while to get your bearings because on the 27th you thought it was all over - well it's the 4th of January and it is now.

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