Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You Know What Thought Did

Do you know what thought did? I'm not even sure that I can remember but I do know that as a writer every thought that goes through your mind could end up in your writing.

Writers can be their own worst enemies because what goes through a writer's head, their daily thoughts and ramblings all too often end up on paper. Does this mean that we should stop thinking, or that we should censor everything that inhabits our heads, God forbid - but perhaps we should sometimes think twice before we write things down.

Thought is a necessary part of all our lives and in writers it is sometimes changing at such a pace that our fingers can hardly get the words out in time. At other times thought either seems to be absent or we have to scrunch our eyes and hold our breath in the hope that a useful thought will appear. I think I know what thought does it governs the writer's life to such an extent that a lack of it can be frightening.

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