California is a beautiful state. People rave about the Golden Gate and about the City of the Angels. If you're thinking of moving to California, however, you might want to look around a bit more.
What do you want most in a place? A beautiful home? There are plenty to be had. A nearby university to satisfy your mind, sun, sea and sand so you can relax and enjoy life for a change? Or do you want hotels, top of the range shopping, and a host of cafes, restaurants and bars? What about a place that had it all?
Come to La Jolla there are stunning views, beautiful coves and beaches and La Jolla Homes are second to none. If you're looking for that special place, with all the natural beauty and city life that you could wish for then La Jolla is the place for you.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sun, Sea and Cafes
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
6:03 PM
New Jersey is the Place to Be
New Jersey is the place for those with expertise in making people look good and feel better about themselves.
These days New Jersey can stand alongside Beverley Hills when it comes to catering for the needs of men and women who want to roll back the years and make the best of themselves.
You can have your own hair growing again if you are a man, and if you are a woman, you can have a nose job or a brow lift. You can have liposuction on the parts of your body that are no longer young and firm looking and you can reduce the look of your wrinkles and take years off your age with a face lift. New Jersey cosmetic surgeons are wowing women the wonders they can perform Cosmetic surgery is the new must have for women in America and increasingly for women across the globe.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:43 PM
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Whenever I hear the words, deep in the heart of Texas, I envision John Wayne, sat astride a horse with a herd of cattle in front of him. This further conjures up images of clouds of dust, a dearth of women, and a firm conviction that this land is a man's land.
Well, hold on to your stetsons boys some women are changing the whole notion of what deep in the heart of Texas is all about. They are sick and tired of its dark and dusty image. They are tired of it to such a point that it is affecting their view of themselves. Women want Texas to have a brand new image. They want it to be known as the face of America, the new face of America.
Numbers of Texan women have now been bitten by the image changing bug. For the women of Houston cosmetic surgery seems to be the answer. Women are having liposuction, botox and full facelifts at the best surgery in Houston in an attempt to change the face of their city.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:30 PM
New York: So Good they Faced it Twice
New York,it's the name of a city that conjures thoughts of all that is big, brash and beautiful in the world.
You've heard the old Sinartra number "New York, New York, So good they named it twice". Well it seems to me that there is an awful lot of double doing in New York today. Perhaps I shouldn't restrict this comment to New York. The world over women are growing tired of the faces they were born with. Sometimes they want to look prettier and sometimes they want to look younger. A lot of women in their sixties these days are having nips and tucks in many different parts of their bodies.
Just as there's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil, so there is an awful lot of Cosmetic Surgery in New York City. Everyone wants another face. Sinartra didn't know how that song affected things in the Big Apple. New York, New York, so good they faced it twice.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:59 PM
New Age and the Celtic Tradition
Over the last thirty years or so there has been a renewed interest in the beliefs of the ancient world. In the 1970s young people were disechanted with the religion of their parents' generation and turned to the religions of the East, to Buddhism and Hinduism.
With the growth of the feminist movement there was also a renewed interest in the old fertility religions such as the Goddess movement and the Wicca movement. Numbers of women joined these fertility cults as a reaction to what they saw as the oppressive nature of partriarchal religion.
In more conventional terms there has also been a return to some of the ancient traditions of certain forms of Christianity. There has been a particular interest in the Christianity of the Celts. This is evident not just in changing belief structures but in modes of dress and personal decoration. In most jeweller's windows you can see Celtic style earrings and brooches. Some followers of the tradition go even further as a result of interest in Celtic Tattoos an increasing number of people have tattoos of the Celtic Cross or of the Sun on their arms. Sometimes this is the result of a firm belief in that tradition and sometimes it is done because a person likes the designs. Either way there is a renewal of interest in these areas.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:27 PM
Maybe it's Time
As I get older I find that I am getting wider around the middle. More to the point I am finding it harder and harder to motivate myself to take on anything new. In fact there are days when my motivation has been so low that I have thought of obtaining outside help. Then a friend made some suggestions.
She said that I didn't have just one problem but a number of problems in my life and really there were whole areas that needed sorting out. She suggested I contact San Diego Personal Training I have to say that I gulped a bit. I'd never really considered myself so disorganised and lacking in motivation that I needed the help of someone else to sort out my life.
My friend said it was worth giving it a try. She had felt similarly unmotivated, and sort of stale a couple of years ago and then someone suggested a personal trainer. She said it had really helped her. So I gave in. On Monday I am going to try and turn my life around with the help of my new personal trainer. Wish me luck.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:13 PM
Time and Size
Roc skincare, I'm finding, is pretty good. I've reached the age where anti-ageing creams and articles turn me on. A sad case you might say, but age overtakes us all and a little bit of help doesn't hurt. I'm not going to tell you that Roc can make you look young overnight but it certainly makes your skin brighter and fresher. In fact I wish they made Roc for writing. Being able to reach for a tube of cream, squeeze it onto your words and watch them come up fresher seems like a pretty cool idea to me. Until they do this though I'll just use Roc in my daily routine and hope that sometime, somewhere, the anti-ageing process will begin.
I hear you laughing but it's only a cream you know, it's not as though I live in California where for women living in Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation seems to be the norm. They are just not satisfied with what they have. The men they hang out with crave bigger breasted women and so these women go and have their breast enlarged with silicone. But if it keeps them happy who am I to complain. Still, think I'll stick with the skin cream.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:04 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Growing Old Disgracefully and Loving it.
I am growing old disgracefully. My kids say they can't keep up with me as in my sixth decade of life I have launched into a new career. Grace has never really been my forte even at a tender age I was always the one who lost her ribbons and had her socks round her ankles at the end of the day.
I refuse to go grey and will continue to colour my hair for as long as I can. I will not have facelifts, implants or any other kind of plants because I am not overly keen on pain. I do, however, know women of a similar age who attempt to stop the forces of gravity. It is not only your chin that drops as you get older. Women posses other body parts that have a tendency to spiral downwards as they get older. In recent weeks there has been some publicity given to the fact that more women in later life are giving nature a helping hand. Some of them do this by having breast lifts. I suppose it takes all sorts.
Although I might be growing old disgracefully I am not a frequenter of grab a granny nightclubs, nor would I wear a miniskirt, the room would empty if I did. Even ten years ago I had a good set of pins but in the last few years arthritis has taken its toll and lumpy legs are not on anyone's top ten list. I like Richard Gere and Robson Green, play some blues and I can still jig with the best of them. While I recognise teenagers' tendencies towards kevinhood I like them as people. Sometimes they have very sound philosophies.
I dislike almost all the current politicians on both sides of the pond. I have no objection to asylum seekers and would not shop an illegal immigrant, these lands are not our's they belong to God. I have no time for Pat Roberts and his ilk, fundamentalism whatever its guise these days is dangerous. I think stealth taxes are theft and seizing assets is as bad as bullion robbery.
Drugs should be legalised but the politicians won't do that because it will affect their rake offs. Alcohol is more noxious than cannabis although smoking weed tends to make me paranoid so I no longer bother. I like a good book, a hot bath, and a bed with my husband in it. I love candy floss and jelly babies, always bite the heads off first. I love my kids, my grandkids, and my dog, I love my friends and especially value all the new ones I've made online.
Finally, I think blogging is ggggreat it has led me on to paid freelance writing work, sitting up til four in the morning reading other blogs and commenting and having a laugh. My husband and kids think I've lost it big time. Thus I am growing old disgracefully and loving it.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:42 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
The Paranoid Ramblings of a Good Ol' Boy
Infamy, infamy.
They've all got it in for me.
The papers don't like me
The tv agrees.
They call me an asshole,
The bee's knees.
They don't want me reading their emails,
Why not?
Because they're involved in a terrorist plot
To make me an object of everyone's hate.
While they make arrangements to blow up the state.
You may think I'm schizoid,
Or that I smoke weed.
This terrible slander
Should not be believed.
I'll curb all their freedoms,
I'll take them away.
For I am the King
of the U S of A.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
3:48 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
The Quest for Beauty
Nowadays some women and men seem to be continually concerned with how they look. They are on a constant quest for beauty.Plenty of young and beautiful Hollywood actresses, who on the surface have it all, are regularly reported as having said that they are not content with the way they look.
This is particularly the case for those women who have recently given birth. They are not happy with their looks because pregnancy has changed the shape of their body, as it does with most women. So for many of those who are able to afford it plastic surgery seems to be the answer to their problems. One look in the plastic surgery directory and they can choose from breast implants, liposuction, face, eye and brow lifts, the list goes on.
Whether they will be happy once such surgery is complete remains to be seen. Many women, once they have gone under the knife in this way, seem to feel a need to have further work done. The quest for beauty may be a permanent feature of our modern world.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
6:41 PM
Nose Trouble
There is nothing worse than having problems with your nose. After all we need our noses to breathe don't we. Most of us know how it feels to have a streaming cold, where your nose is either running fit to run itself out, or is bunged up so badly it makes your head ache.
Normal everyday nose problems, either as a result of a cold, sinusitus or hayfever can be really uncomfortable. The good news is that these conditions are not permanent. We only have to sit it out and eventually the nose problem will go away and we are back to normal.
What happens though when we have something wrong with our nose that we know is permanent. Some people are unlucky enough to have really serious nasal blockages, and these are not likely to go away in a hurry. Other people may have problems with the look of their nose, they may have been in an accident or they just can't stand the nose they were born with. Some of these people may consider surgery.
If you've got money to spare, and you are in California then you might decide to go to Beverly Hills. In Beverly Hills rhinoplasty is becoming extremely popular for people with more permanent nasal problems. People can have cartilege removed and their nose reshaped if they have a nasal blockage. The results are permanent so there is no more nose misery. It can take up to three months to recover but it's worth it to be able to breathe. Other nose problems are dealt with in much the same way and an increasing number of people are having their noses restructured to improve their looks
California seems to have this effect on some people, maybe it's because a lot of rich folks live in California. The rise in the number of people seeking reconstructive nose surgery is not restricted to Beverly Hills. People also go for Rhinoplasty in Los Angeles. Doctor Andrew Frankl in Los Angeles says that rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult plastic surgery procedures and patients sometimes need secondary surgery. So unless your nose trouble is really serious maybe you should reconsider before going under the knife.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
6:00 PM
Wibble Wobble Jelly on a Plate
Do you remember that silly rhyme, wibble wobble, wibble wobble jelly on a plate. I have to say that I was reminded of this recently. There we were sat on the beach minding our own business and then we were inundated with jelly babies. Jelly beach babies that is.
Now don't confuse jelly beach babies with gorgeous beach babes, nothing could be further from the truth. Jelly beach babies are those men and women of a certain age and stature. Life has caught them up. One day they're coasting along in the slow lane, firm and lovely. Next thing life is rushing along and things begin to slip a little. Their skin is no longer so firm. It folds and wrinkles at will and no amount of dieting is going to eliminate that jelly baby look.
Dr Amron can help all you jelly babies out there, and he can do it without a general anesthetic this is why so many women and men are electing to have liposuction in Los Angeles. Dr Amron is famous for his liposuction, he is careful about delivering fantastic results for his patients.
End that jelly baby on the beach syndrome and if you're in Los Angeles look up Dr Amron. He can stop that wibble wobble and give you the look of youth.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:44 PM
California Here I Come
On rainy days like today I wonder if you, like me, can think of nothing better than a place in the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Britain but there are times when the weather leaves a lot to be desired.
Now I know that it is pointless complaining about the weather, it's not as if I have any control over it. The weather just is. But when it's raining and I look out of the window and see the garden that we have worked hard to create I can't help thinking that what I'd really like to be doing is sitting outside on the lawn.
If the sun was shining, then believe me that is where I'd be. There or on a beach somewhere.
Now that really has got me dreaming I'd just love to be in a hot and sunny climate. So sometimes, just to appease this desire a little, I look around at other places. So the other day I happened on some information about California and happened to note that there were San Diego Homes for Sale. Think of it, living where the rich and famous have their watering holes. A brand new condo would suit me down to the ground. Makes me think of the old Al Jolson song "California Here I Come.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
5:30 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Learning About SEO's
When I first heard the term SEO I had no idea what people were talking about. It's only been in the last couple of weeks that I have come to recognise that the term means search engine optimisation. What's that? I know that was my response to Sharonand gracepub.
Suejeffhad no idea what this was. Search engine optimisation crudely put, means making the most of what the search engines can do for you in terms of traffic to your blog. One of the things that bloggers need to do is to find out more about the best keywords to use. Then Havenposted an item about key words and recommended this site You just install some text into your template and this will give you ideas to write about by suggesting keywords, we shall see how this progresses.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
10:15 AM