I was up late last night with a glass of wine, tapping away at my computer. I had signed on to a site that wanted editors so I thought in my alcohol induced haze why not give it a go. It's not a money making site. You write for free as a service to other women. I don't know if they accepted and it involved thinking up 15 different article titles with a some idea of the content-not full articles but it took me quite a time. Then they get back to you in a week or two.
One of the things I was going to write about was anti-ageing creams, but there is a lot of that in the magazines. Then I thought about the number of women who were unhappy with their looks, not simply because they wanted to look younger, but because they'd been born with a feature they couldn't stand, or had an accident. Increasingly women who have problem features are having surgery. For example women are having rhinoplasty in Los Angeles.Rhinoplasty is a form of corrective surgery for noses. If you've been in an accident and broken your nose then you may need this type of surgery. There are also women who, for different reasons, would like a different nose from the one they were born with, and they too have rhinoplasty.
So, you see the sort of things that have been floating round my mind. As for the job, if I get it I'll feel like I'm doing my bit, and I'll be able to tell that to the dog who snorts a bit when he's kept up late. He could have gone to sleep but seems to feel it's his duty to sit up with me (and you thought men were a problem).
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Write for Women
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
11:01 PM
At Least I'm Writing
Sat at my laptop
A fag close to hand.
Over hear that's for smoking-the pun wasn't planned.
I like writing drivel, especially in verse
As I become older
I find that it's fun
Which may be perverse, but you can always shun
my rantings and ravings if you're so disposed
At least I am writing,
Not picking my nose
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
4:10 AM
Super Glue and Olive Pitts-Or Not a Poem Exactly
I really wouldn't know what to do
With olive pitts and superglue-
Can't even remember if pitts have two ts
Or if super glue's super
For making me wheeze.
The only thing I would make is a mess
You might as well ask me to play world class chess.
I do have the cheek to post on this page the driveling doggerel of ad-vancing age.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
3:57 AM
Woman's World
It seems to me that whenever I sit down to write somebody, somewhere, wants something. If the phone rings I'm supposed to pick it up. Writing, whether it's having a moan, working on a story, or the latest chapter of your novel (I wish, haven't touched it in aeons) or finishing off a research report, is not seen as "important" to those around you. That goes double if you are of the female persuasion.
As one of this persuasion I live in a woman's world which means that any writing time I may be able to pinch is seen to be invadeable. Grown up kids want to come by and chat, my husband wants me to listen to something of the utmost importance and the dog wants his stomach rubbed.
Life can get a bit tough if you are a woman. However, there are things that don't often concern us as women, things that we avoid simply because of our sex. One of those things is hair loss. You know, you often see bald or balding men but rarely do you see a balding woman. A friend of mine, whose husband was losing his hair, and feeling quite bad about it, said that she had found this great place called New Jersey Hair Restoration where a Dr Pistone has a new technique which enables him to give a balding man his own hair and hairline again. Pretty cool I thought, as did my friend, she is hoping that it really will give her husband's flagging confidence a boost. At least there are some things that don't occur that often in a woman's world.
Posted by
Sue Jeffels Writing
3:14 AM