Thursday, October 18, 2007

Don't Knock The Clock

When you write for a living you often find that you are chasing your tail trying to get finished before the deadline. Sometimes it is because a writer has unavoidable problems; more often they have either put things off til the last minute, or thought that they had all the time in the world to write and researhc the articles.

We all have to wake up and smell the coffee if we are going to be professional in our attitude towards freelance writing. One way I have found of cutting the time spent on a single article and having a bit of fun in the process is to take a race against the clock and see how fast I can get the first draft done. Sometimes I use a kitchen timer and sometimes I use the progress bar on Google. You specify a period of time and then start writing, I often find that the first draft is ok with a few minor modifications. Don't knock the clock when you are writing; give it a try.


Dana Prince said...

Very good advice. Another thing I do to help myself stay on track is make rules for myself like "no checking e-mail or blogs or adsense earnings, etc, etc. until you write one more page". I find distractions are a bigger enemy of mine than the clock!

Sue Jeffels Writing said...

I think that is probably true for all of us Dana.It is all too easy to get distracted when there is on boss looking over your shoulder.

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