Thursday, October 19, 2006

Get Your Revision Done

There is only one way to get on in the education mill - do your revision. It's worth it in the long run. If you do a little each night you'll soon have it cracked. Speaking of cracks some cracks to the nose can be really nasty. I've known cases where someone has banged their nose so hard that it is permanently out of shape. Now I suppose most men don't bother, I've got a wonky nose, so what. I'm still a handsome devil and the nose gives my looks a nice kind of twist.

Not everyone is so philosophical about their nose, they may have bumped it rather hard, or they may just not like the nose that they were born with. Less than a hundred years ago of course they'd probably have had to put up with it-short of wearing a false one. Nowadays life is a lot easier. Those people who are not happy with what is in the middle of their face can go and get themselves one of those fancy Los Angeles nose jobs.. So if you've got some dollars to spare and would like your nose remodeled then get yourself off to the City of the Angels-you never know, might pick up some wings while you're there.

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