Sunday, September 17, 2006

Why Am I Always the Bridesmaid

I've been to plenty of weddings, always in a subordinate role you understand. I've never quite made it into the white dress with the bouquet, the tiara and the wedding march. At least that's how weddings were. Nowadays when I'm asked to play the role of bridesmaid it might be a quite different affair.

Just as you have theme pubs and restaurants, theme parties and holidays, nowadays the big thing is the themed wedding. And get this, the theme starts the day before! Bridesmaids not invited, because the night before is the time for the families to meet each other. Would you believe it you can now theme these dinners.

If you don't want too much formality then how about a barbecue. If you're going somewhere tropical for your honeymoon then why not give the families a sneak preview. Serve the dinner on surf boards along with the Pina Coladas. Whatever you choose the idea is to take the formality out of the rehearsal dinner so that everyone is bright and sparkling and ready for the wedding cameras.

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